Hello, everyone! Welcome to my first forum post! This is a test of this feature that I'm hoping works for a wider interaction between us that doesn't involve you guys just commenting under my writings. My idea with these is to give out a topic and have you guys share not only with me, but with other readers! I'll do these every once in a while and, hopefully, we can build a little community of pocketfuls here! They will be bilingual, so you can write either in English or in Spanish. Compartan sus ideas sobre el tema postulado y conoscanse entre sí! Puedes escribir en español, siempre encontrarás gente para compartir contigo. Per suggestion from my best friend, the first topic is love stories! You've already read mine, so share yours! And if you're single, share the story of how you met your very best friend! El tema para este primero es 'historias de amor'. Ya leyeron el mío, así que compartan el suyo! Y si estás soltero, comparte como conociste a tu mejor amige!

Let's see how this works out.